Post 1:
"Mario Bros is the apex of gaming history. Back when video games were challenging, before being dumbed down to increase the number of people playing them. I miss the golden age of video games. Today we live in a world dominated by games that require little to no thought and the only real challenge is making sure your crops don't wither. We need more games like Mario. Games that challenged the best of us, games you could be proud of winning. But it was bound to happen, because it is human nature to prefer instant rewards without effort and vanity over self pride."
Post 2:"It really makes you realize the important things in life are not how much money you make, what kind of car you drive, or how cool you are. Rather, it is knowing where the warp zone is in level 1-2 or beating the game and being able to select all the levels in the game. With that, it's really about earning all the coins in a level, transporting yourself via pipes and warp zones, and feeling cool because you saved a beautiful princess and kicked Koopa's butt."